Air Navigation Services Inspection.
The ANS Inspectorate is responsible for Safety Oversight of Air Navigation Services and Meteorological Services provided for Air Navigation. The Inspectorate is also responsible for safety oversight of PANS-OPS/Instrument Flight Procedures. The Inspectorate is tasked with providing the following services:
i. Certification of Air Navigation Service Providers.
ii. Oversight of Air Navigation Service Providers and Meteorological Services for Air Navigation.
The provision of the above services is guided by the Civil Aviation (Certification of Air Navigation Service Providers) Regulations 2017.
Approval of Service Provider Operational Manuals
The Certificated air navigation service provider shall on a continuous basis maintain the accuracy of the information contained in the operations manuals. In case of changes, the document holder of an ANSP Certificate shall submit the proposed amendment to the Authority for approval.
Certification of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP’s)
A person shall not provide an air navigation service unless he holds a certificate issued under these Regulations. An applicant for an ANSP certificate to be issued under these regulations shall:
a) Submit a fully completed application in the relevant ANSP Certification Application form and
b) Apply for the same at least one hundred and eighty days before the commencement of operations.
The Application for an ANSP Certificate shall be accompanied by:-
i. The applicant’s Manual of Air Navigation Service Operations provided under these Regulations for approval;
ii. A written statement setting out services and locations at which they shall be provided;
iii. The safety management system manual;
iv. The quality management system manual;
v. The procedures to meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation (Security) Regulations, 2018
vi. A written statement on the financial capability to provide the service;
vii. The insurance policy in force in relation to the services provided; and
viii. fees as prescribed by the Authority.
After the reception of the above-mentioned documents the applicant shall be subjected to the five-phase certification process that in essence is “a series of gates” that involve:
a) Pre-application Phase
b) The Formal Application Phase
c) The Document Evaluation Phase
d) Operational Demonstration and Inspection Phase
e) The Certificate Issuance Phase
The Authority shall, before issuing an ANSP Certificate, be satisfied that
1. The personnel of the applicant are adequate in number and have the necessary competencies to provide the services
2. The Manual of Air Navigation Service Operations (MANSOP’s) prepared by the applicant and submitted with the application contains all the relevant information;
3. The facilities, services, and equipment of the applicant are established in accordance with these regulations.
4. The operating procedures make satisfactory provisions for the safety of the aircraft
5. An acceptable Safety Management System is in place;
6. The applicant has an acceptable ANSP Security Procedures Manual;
7. The applicant has the financial capability to provide the services;
8. The applicant has an insurance policy in force in relation to the services provided.
The application shall be submitted via the following means:
a) Email: or
b) By postal office means, using the following address;
Director General
Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority
P.O. Box 250
Dodoma Tanzania
Phone; +255262354418
Renewal of Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Certificate
The application for the renewal of an ANSP Certificate shall be made on the prescribed ANSP Certification Application form not later than ninety days before the certificate expires and shall be accompanied by:-
1. The manual of Air Navigation Service Operations (MANSOP’s) if significant changes have been made following the initial certification; and
2. The fee as prescribed by the Authority.
The renewal of the ANSP Certificate shall be subject to compliance with applicable ANS Regulations related to the service that is being provided and any other conditions that may be specified or notified by the Authority
Oversight of Air Navigation Service Providers and Meteorological Services for Air Navigation
In pursuit of the effort to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements as related to the service delivery the holder of an ANSP Certificate shall;
1. At all times demonstrate compliance to applicable regulations; and
2. Comply with all procedures and processes detailed in their Manual.
The Inspectorate shall carry out safety inspections and Audits of Air Navigation facilities, services, documents, and records of the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) to ensure continued compliance with these regulations. The safety inspections and audits under these regulations shall be carried out as per the approved annual surveillance programs.
Lastly, and very importantly, The Authority retains the power to impose operating restrictions or sanctions on the operations of a certificate holder in the event of non-conformance with the certification requirements or any unresolved safety issues.